my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, December 19, 2005

all sweaters should be for toddlers

Seriously, I bound off the back of Hubby's sweater Friday night (is it blocked, seamed, ready for final finishing, no, of course it isn't, there's no clear surface for lying out the blocking board) and immediately cast on for Billy's Christmas Cables. Here's where I ended this morning on the subway. I've got 4 more rows to go and I separate for the neckline. I really, really hope to be casting on for the back tomorrow. I don't know if I've got a chance in h-e-double-hockey sticks of finishing these by Sunday, but I'll give it the old college try.

In other news, I pointed out to Hubby last night how quickly this piece was going and he asked if it was a sleeve. And I said, no it's the front of the smaller one. And he clued in (remembered?) that I was making father/son sweaters. I reminded him that I shared the plan with him when I bought the yarn, but he claimed he forgot so it would still be a surpise (like I was supposed to forget that he bought me the Buffy DVDs). He then groused that they weren't Christmas colors. Guess I better finish his up at least.

Busy day today. I've got a new employee starting and a demo to sit through, and we've all got training, and I have to leave early for our first Daycare tour. And I wish I could knit through it all!

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