Finished the 601 footie. It's way too small. Someone smack me up the head with the knitting-sense stick. I sure need it. Why did I think casting on 4 more stitches would make up for the change in gauge going down a needle size? Way too small this new footie. It's a beauty though. Too bad I need those toes. I'm working on getting the second, first 601 footie started on US3s in the larger size (the 7-8 is a smidge to small for me, wearable but not perfect).
Did work some on sonnet. Still got an inch or two until I start the back right shoulder. Which means I am still in the 8.5 inches of garter stitch hell. Thanks for asking.
B was mildly sick, had a temp yesterday so I stayed home with him. We had a touch of icky BMs, always fun in the diapers. He's with Grammy today and back to day care tomorrow.
It's hot, it's gross, hubby's got 3 new job leads. I'll take the good with the bad.
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