my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, August 29, 2005

sloth and gluttony

I've been knitting on Sonnet lately. I've started the right front piece (or is it the left). Anyway, not a whole lot going on. I've been kind of lazy. Well, Saturday was eaten up by the MiL birthday extravaganza and yesterday was consumed by an allergy attack (all sneezing, no headache). I didn't even bring Sonnet to work with me. Figured I'd start hubby's blue socks or read, or, most likely, nap on the bus. These allergies have zonked me.

I brought a thing of almonds in for a snack today. One of those Emeral Nuts jars. It's 1/3 gone. I don't want anymore almonds today. Although, my mouth feels like crunching some more, but the thought of eating anything is making me sick.

I'm at my all-time heaviest weight. It's kind of sickening when I think about it. I'm 50 lbs heavier than when I got married five years ago and 40 lbs heavier than when I returned to work after having Billy 15 months ago. My all-time lowest weight is over 125 lbs back (and about 15 years ago in college). I really have to do something about it. I've been a member at Curves for nearly a year and have very little to show for it!

I want to buy more yarn. It will help battle that end of summer ennui so many bloggers are talking about. Won't it? Hubby did say to go ahead and get the supplies I need for my stitches homework. (Confirmation for it came Saturday.)

Got a coupon for these in Sunday's paper. I think they'll be super for stashing and/or big project bags!

Speaking of the birthday extravaganza, MiL loved Millie. I didn't get any pics and didn't bother blocking it. I know, lazy, lazy, lazy. She did wear her to church yesterday and I got beaucoup compliments. I'm getting quite the reputation as a knitter in those parts.


Anonymous said...

I could have written a lot of your post today. You weren't alone with the sneezing allergy attack, and you most definitely aren't alone with the weight issue. I lost weight on vacation in May, which made me feel great and motivated me to try to lose the rest of the post-baby pounds, but then as soon as I got back to work I gained it all back and then some in a short period of time. I don't know what to tell you to do, but you're not alone in your struggle.

Anonymous said...

I agre with Susan....sounds like "me" talking....and again, you've got lots of company there...

Dropstitchknitter said...

Oy, weight. I've been fighting that fight since I was 18 - yup, skinny kid, but something done happened then. I lost almost 40 lbs on the dreaded atkins, then when the doc switched me to southbeach, my gallbladder went kaput - all that fat on atkins keeps it working well, but then you stop the fat, and if you have an underlying gallbladder problem like mine, you lose it. Sooooo, after the surgery in Nov. I gained back about 20 lbs. I hate that I did that. But I have to get on the right track, so maybe we can all support each other.