First sleeve is nearing completion. I hope to get it done tonight and second sleeve tomorrow. That leaves the front bands and buttons for Thurs and Friday. And I'll be done in time. WooT!
On a side note, Mother, whose birthday sweater was delayed by MONTHS, did not express much faith in my being able to finish it in time. Pshaw, I say.
A good time was had by all in Vermont, not just Millie. Billy was oohed and ahhed over, Lumpy was loved (and nearly started a fight between my sisters), I got to see cousins and their babies, and it was just nice to reconnect with the hick roots.
Coming home wasn't bad. My newest stashquisitions were at home waiting for me and I got Birthday cards and presents. Yep, I turned 33 yesterday. That doesn't freak me out so much as wedding dress shopping with my sister did. How can my baby sis be old enough to get married? Too bad, she's not getting married in NJ. Isn't this limo the baddest?

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