I really need to start watching what I eat. So far, it's been pretty easy to keep Billy eating healthy, but as he gets older, he's going to be more aware of what's going in my mouth (and Hubby's). Being a good mom is more important to me than what size I wear or eating whatever the heck I want. Hubby and I were both thin kids and I want Billy to stay healthy.
So, I brought my lunch today (always helps to keep the portions under control and I included two fruits) and I'm going to go to Curves tonight after work. Fortunately, we don't keep too much junk food in the house, so snacking isn't too much of an issue. The problem is getting one of us to cook. Most nights, we'd rather go to the diner or get take out. First bad habit that needs to be broken! I did cook last night, but with lots of cheese, it wasn't too healthy!
As for knitting, nothing happened last night. Sonnet's just not exciting me. I think it's going to be too small and right now she seems way too loud to me. I think I'll cast on for my Millie-type sweater tonight. I did try to start casting on for Hubby's boring Navy socks, but the back of the bus is way to bumpy for 1x1 ribbing on dpns! Maybe I'll get them started over lunch today.

I've been thinking a lot about this yarn lately. It was one of my eBay bargains last year. It's 100% wool from Phildar, chunky and loosely spun with a luscious sheen. Unfortunately, the royal blue's not my cup of tea. I've been thinking of overdyeing it (I love purple) and making a felted courier bag. I think I may have to get some kool aid this weekend and give it a go on a few skeins.
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