my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Zipping Zipo

Yay! I finished the second sleeve of Zipo this morning. Woo! I don't know why I didn't post yesterday. I had a very productive knitting day Tuesday. I knitted an entire ball on the second sleeve getting it mostly finished. I had forgotten how great hockey is for knitting/crocheting. Hubby figured we should watch the Devils' Championship DVD from 2003 since there wasn't anything else on. I just cruised through the bulk of the increases. I sure wish the NHL had gotten a new agreement in place to play this season. I miss hockey!

Now all I have left is to finish seaming and do the neckband. I'm still leaning toward putting in some buttons. Think I'll run up to Purl at lunch and pick up a few of these or maybe these.

I also have to do that pesky neckband. Hope the bus isn't too crowded tonight on the way home. I do think Dad will be getting the sweater in pieces. But, I will have it finished and get a picture to post for the manalong!

Also in the Woo column, my latests stashquisition came yesterday. The Hubby accused me of lying to him; I disagree. I broke a promise; I didn't lie. (Just call me Netter Clinton.) Anyway, he agrees that they will make a nice birthday sweater for Billy. I'm leaning toward this one in just two colors (I'm thinking large stripes of gold with smaller blue stripes). I can't wait to start! I'm also excited to make him a bucket hat to match!

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