my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, December 16, 2004


I didn’t get any knitting done on the way home last night. My departmental Holiday Party was last night and I overindulged. I slept (passed out) most of the way home. Surprisingly, I was able to get quite a bit of the ribbing done this morning. My behavior of last night didn’t seem conducive to knitting this morning. I figured I’d doze all the way into the city after getting home at 1 last night and waking up at 4 am. I dozed a bit after 4, but didn’t really get much sleep. I hope to be able to get quite a bit more of the front done tonight. Hubby’s department is having their get-together so it’ll be just me and the kids tonight. Hopefully, Molly will be good and let Mommy do lots of knitting while she watches CBS. I’m really going to try to get some knitting done this weekend. Hubby and I are thinking of doing dinner and a movie Saturday; 30+ cm of rev st st sounds like good movie knitting to me.

I can see why Bonne Marie calls ASC her favorite yarn. It’s great to work with; makes a great fabric; and seems like it would wear well. Calmer is still my favorite yarn to touch; but it’s so delicate. ASC is a hearty yarn. I can’t wait to start my Salsa Splash next year (after f-i-l’s b-day sweater completes the parents’ sweaters). There are good deals in some eBay stores for ASC, in lots of colors. If I hadn’t promised the hubby no new yarn, I’d be snapping some up!

I need to have my mother-in-law stay with Billy more often. She did two loads of laundry; emptied and re-loaded the dishwasher; swept; and organized the magazines on our coffee table. She would have vacuumed but that’s not easy with Molly around. Molly is a typical dog and thinks the vacuum is evil and must be destroyed. And of course, they only way she knows to destroy things is to try and eat them. It’s not just the big vac either. She goes bonkers over the dustbuster. I don’t know how m-i-l manages to get so much done. When I’m home with Billy, I tend to just play with him when he’s awake (and that's a lot of the time, since he doesn’t like to sleep when Mama’s around).

Billy’s back at daycare today. He seems to be doing better. His eyes are much improved. He’s got a juicy cough again, but I think we’ll have one of those most of the winter. I hope this kid develops a strong immune system.

It’s ironic. I received the January issue of Parents Magazine on Tuesday and there’s an article on ear infections. What’s ironic (besides the great timing) is that we’ve done everything on their list of ways to help prevent ear infections (including nursing until he was 10 months old) and we’ve had an ear infection for over a month!

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