my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Just because Thordora seems so lonely

What the Hell is that Smell?

A blast from the past. My college boyfriend wore Drakkar Noir or Obsession. I still can't smell those things without being transported back to the early 90s and the heady feelings of thinking I was in love with him.

Hubby doesn't wear cologne and has only used Original Green Prell since he was 13. He even wears unscented deoderant. Not so much with the olfactory memories.

Neither of my parents have consistently worn scents, so no big connections there. Although, the smell of cow manure does remind me of growing up in NW VT.

The smell of Huggies Giggles baby wash in Oatmeal reminds me of B and his infancy. So does the smell of disposable diapers. You know, the clean ones right when they come out of the package. I kind of miss the smell of breastmilk poopies.

Gee, me and poop smells. Aren't you glad you stopped by?

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

hee hee hee... no, I'm with you... Mate uses Pert, and has used it since I met him... I can't smell that shampoo without thinking of him.