my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, June 06, 2005

hazy, hot, and stitches east

Wasn't it just chilly and wet? When did summer get here? Why don't we ever get a nice, gradual build up to July weather? Why is it always like someone flips a steamy switch?

Okay, enough whining. My fingertips are actually chilled, here in the office this morning. Desktop thermometer says 72.8. says it's 87 (feeling like 92) in my home zip code. It's not even 11 am and we've busted through the forecast high of 86. Gee, I'm glad we installed an air conditioner in allergy-boy's room last night. He felt like he had a fever yesterday after his nap because his room was so hot and stuffy. (I refuse to open his windows and tempt the pollen, even if we might be spoiling him as hubby suggested.)

Wait, did that qualify as more whining?

In knitting news, I finished the front of NBaT Friday during the crawl home. (Rainy, summer Friday of course it took 2 hours to get from office to house. Oops, there's that w word again.) No, there is no photo. I will take one today. I put a V-neck in and don't know if I'll do the neckline as in the pattern. I'm not sure how the folded hem would work at the point of the V. I do want to get started on the sleeves, but havn't had the time to think about it, yet.

Sock progresses. I got quite a bit done at the dentist Saturday morning and Saturday night while enjoying a Diet Coke with Lime and Bacardi. MMMM, rum. I also brought it for the bus today. Like I said, no thinking on the sleeves for NBaT, yet.

Hubby registered me online for Stitches East Saturday (once he finally got on the new PC, he wouldn't share so I could do it myself). It seems I've got all my top choices for classes. Both of Sally Mellville's first two classes, fair isle and intarsia. Then it's fair isle finishing, designing your own sweater and modifying a pattern (this is a necessity as so many European patterns that I love aren't plus size). I only get to take 15 credits because Hubby has Jets tickets Sunday and we have to get home early in the am. I'm looking forward to it! I also booked our room at the Boardwalk Holiday Inn. We've stayed there before. It's pretty nice. Wonder if we'll get a room with a jacuzzi tub again. Anyone else going to Stitches East?

I did say that I would buy no yarn before the Market Preview on 9/22. That's about 104 days away. Gee, if I could have a dollar for everyday I don't buy yarn (going back to last eBay auction), or maybe 2, it would be quite a haul!

I'm leaving work at 12:30. B has a follow-up with the ENT. I don't think we'll get bad news, but the reassurance will be nice.

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