my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Yesterday didn't get better until I got home. I did get to knit on the subway, but found 2 dropped stitches to repair. Then I was knitting on the bus and found a hole about 8 rows down where I had picked up one slim thread when knitting a stitch. Of course it had to be repaired. Why is it wool will drop stitches like a bad habit when you don't want it too, but when you have to drop eight rows to fix something, it's a chore. Then, as I was partly through the dropping, my working needles flew across the bus and landed under someone's backpack. Being me, I didn't ask for help until we were nearly home (tried to get hubby to do it on his way by, but nice man next to me took care of it). So, an unproductive bus ride for me.

After dinner, bath, and fixing the rocking chair, Billy went to sleep easily and Mommy got knitting time. (After the dishes, of course.) I worked on Billy's vest while hubby and I watched the Yanks spank the Pirates. Then we watched some of the Live Aid DVD he bought this weekend.

This morning, I knit on the sock on the way in and so far, today's going pretty well. If you don't count exhaustion and sinuses that feel like they're going to be a real problem shortly!

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