my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Domestic Goddess*

I found a new way to pique Hubby's interest: clean! I scoured the bathroom last night and did more dishes. Nice to have at least part of the house be clean. I'll vacuum tonight.

I have to confess, I made myself a little schedule and hung it up in one of the kitchen cupboards. Monday is the bathroom, Tuesday and Friday I vacuum (since Molly sheds considerably twice a week is necessary), Wednesday is dusting (something light for LOST night), and Thursday is mopping. Whew. Sundays remain laundry days and I reserve Saturdays for big projects (like decluttering my craft area, cleaning the fridge or oven, organizing closets, etc.).

Must get the husband to help me keep clutter down.

In knitting news, I'm still eeking along on Angelina. I'll wait and post another picture when I start casting on the sleeves.

Last night's commute home was quick. It wasn't until I was on the bus this morning that I remembered they removed the tolls on the GSP southbound at the Union plaza. No more parkway back-ups!

*with apologies to Roseanne

1 comment:

Dropstitchknitter said...

You sound like me -housework is not my favorite thing to do! I found and just following her tips helped me declutter - but you can fall off the wagon, says I, who after looking around my living room, needs to take 15 minutes and put things to rights! Check her out - it helped me and that's saying a lot. We all know what to do, it's just finding the time and not taking on too much at once that is the hard part! Angelina is eeking along - what a slow knit! I've already gone thru one skein and have maybe 5 inches knit!