my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Friday, November 18, 2005

lonely Harry Potter geekdom

So, Hubby will be babysitting tonight and I'll be going to see Goblet of Fire. By myself. I don't normally mind going to the movies alone. But, there's such an HP community out there, I feel a little lonely. However, I'm totally stoked that I get to go see it!

I'm also an exhausted, lonely, HP geek. Hubby and I went to see bruuuuce last night (all lower case because it was solo and acoustic). That guy rocks. Hubby said Wed's show was better, but I enjoyed last night. The tailgate wasn't so much fun. The Meadowlands at 37 degrees F is cold.

I dug out my winter coat this morning. I was really looking forward to wearing Fiesta today, but I couldn't find her. Darn coat closet. I will look harder tonight. I think this cold snap's going to stick around for a while.

Because of last night's activities, not much progress on Christmas Cables. I'm sticking to my goal of getting the front finished this weekend and a sleeve started.

Have a good weekend everybody (and thanks for the reassurance that it is bloglines)!

1 comment:

jen said...

Hey there Annette ... I can't wait to see the HP movie either ... it's definitely worth being a geek over. :) And as for bloglines ... I moved blogs last June, and there's still like over 100 subscribers to the old one, and even fewer for my new one. I think bloglines is weird and not to be trusted. Plus, I accidentally subscribed to a blog twice, and she has 12 subscribers on one feed, and over 50 on the other feed. What's up with all the different feeds??

Anyhow, take care!