my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, November 08, 2007

rip and re-knit and rip and re-knit

I blew through my goal for the socks last night. I'm more than half-way through the third repeat. I just couldn't put it down. But, I have to rip back. I kept forgetting the last M1 in the round. As you can see, the sock comes in quite a bit on the side there. This could be a problem for a girl like me with generous proportions.

Then there was a ripping fest on St. Andrew last night. I had messed up the color changes (sequence has me moving 1 stitch and then 2 stitches and I just did one stitch a couple of times in a row) back below where the blue disappears on the sides. When I first noticed the other day, I just kept knitting and tried to make up for it further on. Then I realized that might cause problems with matching the lengths front to back. So, I ripped back, knit to where I was and realized I had another error further down. Ripped again and still haven't gotten back to where I was. I wish the slope on this thing wasn't so jagged. But, I just couldn't make the X fit the dimensions any other way. Hubby likes it, but looking at this picture is making me cringe.

I had another good workout last night, but I stayed up way to late with the ripping and re-knitting. We got out the door twenty minutes earlier today and B only mildly disagreed about wearing a coat. First words out of his mouth when he got outside (which were then repeated ad nauseum), "Mommy, I cold." My response, "Duh."

I know, I'm going to Hell for Sarcastic Mommies. He knows I love him and when he's a late night TV host, he'll thank me for it.

1 comment:

Susan said...

So, you're just doing this so that you could have your own little late night TV segments, a la David Letterman's mom? ;-) I find that my kids tend to laugh along with me when I come up with things like Duh every now and then -- they seem to really enjoy that I am silly, too, since so often I am asking them to be serious and behave.