my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

monkey up

I finished the Dragon socks last night. I still need to wash and block sock #2. I'll FO them when it's dry and I can take modelled pics. I love the pattern and plan to knit them again. I showed Hubby the difference between washed and not. He noticed the pattern is not as obvious, but that they are so much softer.

I did not touch Hubby's sweater last night. I feel bad about it, since I won't be touching it again tonight. A friend got free seats to tonight's Devils game. So much for crossing the X this week!

I did have a nice long chat with my grandparents last night. Papa's bummed that he's still restricted in his activities. He's got two more weeks before he can lift more than 5 lbs. But, he sounds really good. They're planning a scaled back holiday season (although, I bet one of their brood will decorate for them), but they're excited we're coming up next month. I also got the run down on most of my cousins and aunts and uncles. I really should call them more often.

I also did the dishes and wound the yarn for my monkeys. I cannot wait to cast on. If I hadn't needed the nap on the bus this morning, I probably would have. This pic's a little washed out. The colors should be more vibrant and red (the gold should be orange). I was going back and forth over doing the twisted rib as noted in the pattern or Cara's picot hem. I think I'm going to do the picot. Since I fell in love with The Harlot's in this colorway, I want to be true to the inspiration. Besides, I can always snip off the hem and do the ribbing if it turns out I don't like the hem.

It's scary what a good mood I'm in. I don't know if it's the residuals from the exercise, positive reinforcement (the scale and Hubby telling me how proud he is everyday that I'm making an effort), or looking forward to a night out, but I'm feeling pretty upbeat. You don't think Hubby's been spiking my OJ with SSRIs, do you?

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

Excellent colorway! And so very glad to hear about the good mood! (Losing weight will do that to you...and you're motivating me!!!)