my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Friday, May 13, 2005

Five years of wedded (mostly) bliss

Five years ago at this moment I was heading to the salon to be turned into a beautiful bride. She did miracles the woman. Then my sister and I went to McD's for a snack. The wedding wasn't until 5:30 and I knew I wasn't going to really get to the hors d'oeuvres at cocktail hour with the picture-taking. Oddly no one in St. Albans was too surprised to see a woman in a veil walk into their local McD's. Of course, knowing NW Vermont as I do, they probably were surprised, but too Yankee to let anyone know!

Hubby and I have had our spats and our unhappy moments, but so far, it's been a great 5 years. Since we were together for 5 before the wedding, I think we were pretty sure it would work out.

I'm so very married to him, he always comes into my dreams about other men!

We've grown accustomed to each other's quirks. He missed seeing my sourpuss when I was so sick last month and has gotten over asking me to smile so much. I know him so well that I knew he wanted to go out with the guys last night when he called at 4:25 and my prescience prevented him from asking. (I talked him into it on line for the bus.)

Now, if only I could get him to understand yarn stashing....

Air is FINISHED! No photos, yet. I rushed out of the house this morning because commuting to NY was going to be aitch-e-double hockey sticks! First, a retaining wall collapsed on the Henry Hudson Parkway north of the GWB. Then there was a fire under a bridge in NJ that suspended train service to NYS (it was back up with severe delays this morning). So, I knew the busses were going to be packed. I took an earlier local and everything went smoothly until it was time to get on the Turnpike. There a 10 car pile-up just south of the Lincoln tunnel exit caused massive delays. We went an alternate route but it was still over an hour into the city.

It meant more knitting time, but Hubby and I have 6:15 dinner reservations and tickets to a local production of Into the Woods (my favorite musical ever).

I've made some good progress on the front of my T. Not only have I had extended bus knitting time, I knit a bit on it last night watching CBS. (After I wove in the last 2 ends of Air.) I should be starting the waist decreases tonight.


Netter said...

Thanks Lolly!

Dropstitchknitter said...

Happy Anniversary!!!