my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Blurry photo and crappy colors, but proof that I finished teh NBaT back this morning on the way in. Lots of knitting done last night watching Amazing Race and L&O, if not any other time of the day. Casting on for sleeves will commence this afternoon.


Dropstitchknitter said...

Yay!!! I have to start on my front, but a baby was born and therefore, must knit for baby - ah the sacrafices we knitters make! I did finish Soleil and will post a pic today as I'm home with a darn stomach virus - blech.!!! Thanks for changing my blog name on your site already!!! You one speedy gal!

Netter said...

I let bloglines do it for me. Then I don't have to worry!