my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Friday, April 15, 2005


Ah. It's Friday. I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with my guys. I'm hopeful I can stay in the office all day again. I have a few meetings scheduled for today and, of course, plenty of catch up work to do (over 400+ invoices to sign off on).

I was pretty productive the last couple of days on my NBaT. Almost finished the waist decreases. I can't wait to wear it. I think I'll be wearing it a lot of this summer.

We had a good chat with Pastor Mac last night. He'll interweave the infant baptism and the adult joining of the church into one seam-less ceremony. We're going to do it Mother's Day. My parents are coming down for it. They're pretty happy that we're doing it. My dad said it was good because kids need to be raised in some faith. Not that they raised us too much that way, but we're happy with our decisions.

Well, those 400+ invoices won't approve themselves!

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