my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, October 11, 2004


It was not a fun time to be me on Wednesday night. I had a bit of a PPD relapse. I know it’s the PPD because most people do not break down in similar situations. It’s not a good sign when you get overwhelmed by taking out the recycling. I did not have the energy, interest, or focus to get the house tidied up Wednesday night. I couldn’t even watch CSI: NY. That’s a bad thing; being so upset you can’t watch Gary Sinise. I did not go to work Thursday. I just couldn’t face being here. I slept in. I was just getting out of the shower when our guests arrived. They didn’t seem to mind that the house was a pit. They all know about my current situation. I didn’t lie to them about why I was home either. No point. I’m not ashamed of my condition; why lie about it? Heck, I even like to joke about it. Friday, I wore a t-shirt that has Eyeore saying “I need a hug.” As I told my mother-in-law, if you can’t joke about your mental health, what can you joke about?

In knitting news, I didn’t knit as much as I thought I would. The left front is still not done, although I did cast on for a sleeve. The left front is going to be longer than the back, but I’ll fudge it when seaming. I must knit a lot in the next week and a half or my mom’s getting an unfinished sweater for her birthday.

I won’t be knitting in the evenings this week, though. I have to tidy up the house (yes, I’m a broken record). My m-i-l is watching Billy at our place on Weds as we go to the Vote for Change concert (the Republican I live with is a huge Springsteen fan). She’s staying over so I need to make the guest room habitable. That’s tonight and tomorrow night. Thursday and Friday I have to start on my dress for the wedding in less than two weeks. Busy, busy, busy.

Well, it doesn’t help ones sense of being overwhelmed and totally useless if you spend the day at work not doing work. Must get busy.

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