Saturday we got up and dropped Billy and Molly off at the in-laws and sat in traffic trying to get to the Yankee game. Much knitting of Fillie was done in the car. I separated for the sleeves. We watched the Yankees get spanked, left early and went to the in-laws. Made for a pretty short trip skipping out early (it was 8-1). Had a nice dinner with them and played in the yard with B and Molly. Then it was home and early bed for everyone.
Yesterday, we got up and went to church. I helped one of the ladies decipher a sock pattern

Whew, what a weekend! Hubby and I had another heart-to-heart about the stashing. (Friday, he came home and I was writing the checks for my last two eBay wins.) We also had to talk about it Saturday when my last Herrschners order arrived. (He thought I was trying to sneak that one past him, but I explained it was supposed to be a surprise.) I'll buy what I want at the market at Stitches and then no more yarn until '06. I really need to stick to this. My closet is so crammed with yarn that I can't get to my clothes! Here's the Lana Grossa haul. Colors seem pretty accurate.
It's going to be another crazy week chez Netter. Tomorrow night, hubby's going to see the Stones with a buddy, then Wednesday, my parents come down for a visit*. Thursday, we all go to the Stones together. Friday, I'm hanging with them and we're going to dinner with the in-laws and her parents who are coming up from SC for a visit this weekend, too. Saturday is up in the air. Sunday, we've got church and a pancake breakfast, then Hubby and FiL go to the Jets home opener. Whew!
*That reminds me, I have to get the clean laundry out of the guest room, Again!
I was thinking of ordering some of that lana grossa myself but I didn't know if it was soft. How does it feel to you?
I love it. I'd say it's as soft as Koigu.
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