Honestly, I really wasn't going to buy any more yarn until I'd met those goals from a few posts back. But, I went to PURL to get a US11 Addi for Dad's birthday sweater (my boye needlemaster was killing my wrists, the needle part is way too short), and I saw a riot of swirly color in the sale bin.
40% off. I got two skeins. It's Lorna's Laces Bulky Swirl in Carrot.
What can I say, I'm a sucker for orange merino and silk.
But, since I finished a hat with it within 12 hours (which I wore a lot over thanksgiving weekend), I say it doesn't count against my countdown. I'd post a pic, but I'm happy to have just the yarn pictured. I want to make some fingerless mitts with the other skein and a half, and I nearly had a pair done, but they will have to wait.
I'm making much progress on Dad's birthday sweater.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, should it be put to a vote?
Just kidding ;) An FO is an FO, and should be celebrated regardless of *cough*when*cough* the yarn was bought.
Oh, that's the best justification I've heard for yarn purchasing! And I'm glad you have photo capabilities now.
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