my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, May 11, 2006


It's gray and dreary today, but we haven't had appreciable rain in NJ in a while. Our cars have a slight green overcast. I'm in the midst of some serious knitting blahs. I nearly finished the second Billy sock yesterday, but I ran out of yarn. I was thinking I'd just do the toes on both socks in white, but have decided that would be yucky. I think I'll re-start toe-up and maybe he'll wind up with some short socks. I didn't knit at all last night once I got home. I put B to bed and just vegged with the tube. I brought in the lolita legs stuff to re-start those, but I'm not too excited about the prospect. I don't want to be knitting the green aran or Billy's beach jacket. I don't want to knit socks with my new sock yarns. I can't think of a darn thing in my stash I want to knit, but I can't justify buying new yarn because I'm blah.

Thanks for the support on my decision regarding the meds. You all know how to say the right things. Hubby tries to say the right things, but it usually comes out wrong. And lately, that means I wind up offended. Not easy living with me these days.

Next weekend, Hubby and I go down the shore sans Billy for a few days. Hopefully the weather will be nice. A short break from work and mommy would be great. Of course, a short break from wife wouldn't be too bad, either.

1 comment:

Dropstitchknitter said...

I can so sympathize with the blah's. Maybe you could browse through some of your books/patterns/magazines and pick something to make just for you - treat yourself. Or buy a pattern you've been longing to make. It may just give you a little pick me up.