my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, April 13, 2006

mommy's night off*

the plan is:

get out of here as soon as I hit publish so I can catch the 4:35 bus

quickly write the mortgage and phone bills and drop at p.o. before it closes at 5:45

get to the movie theater in time for 6pm showing of V for Vendetta (and to order grossly huge popcorn for dinner)

pick up some dairy queen on the way home if I'm hungry

snoggle my Herrschner's order from last week

go to bed

(all this dependent on traffic, otherwise it will be a 7:20 showing with a dinner of real food and yarn snoggling earlier)

*B is staying with Grammy tonight because daycare is closed tomorrow and she gets the day as a holiday. I don't have to worry about the dog because Grandpa is walking her when he picks up B's bag. Hubby is out with the boys celebrating his last day at the old job


Anny said...

Oh, that sounds sooo wonderful! I'm still nursing and haven't been anywhere and away from my baby for more than 2 hours at a time since he was born and a night at the movies sounds really really great.

Enjoy it!

Dropstitchknitter said...

sounds great - let me know how it went - a mommies night that actually happens is a great thing!!