my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, July 19, 2004

I haven't felt this way in a long time. I'm so excited just to see you. Touching you is close to heaven. I get a lump in my chest when I think about you. You nearly bring tears to my eyes.
It's really sick that this is how I feel about knitting up Calmer. It does feel like a new romantic relationship. Yarn lust, I've got it bad. I've got a few inches done on the left front and it's a dream. I'm a little unsure about the rib pattern. My swatch looked nothing like the photograph in the book. I read the pattern as slip 1 purlwise, purl the next stitch. Am I misreading sl 1 P?
Perhaps, I should take advantage of my Rowan membership and query my other Rowanettes!
I got some yummy red Phildar coton Friday. MMMMM. What a fast eBay transaction! I paid Wednesday and got the yarn Friday. Of course it was just coming from LI, but still very nice. And, they sent me free black wool. It's a skinny, squiggly thing, but it's free wool!
Must give the husband kudos. He's not commented on my recent yarn purchases. Can't wait to get on the bus home tonight and do some knitting! I love the weekends but they don't leave me much knitting time.
On another thing altogether, the Prince concert was pretty good. I could have done with more Prince and less of his band. Man is he a good entertainer. You forget what an outstanding guitarist he is.
I would have fit right in if I'd been able to wear my poncho. There were tons of women in ponchos.

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