my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Monday, October 30, 2006

the dam broke

I guess I knit a lot this weekend. Maybe Thursday night was productive, but I knit a ton at mom and dad's on Saturday. Billy made everyone watch Finding Nemo twice (I got to hear it six times in the car this weekend). So, I knitted, and I knitted, and I knitted. I've started the armhole shaping and am about 20 or so rows from the neckline shaping.

I hope to have it blocking tomorow night so I can get it out in the mail this weekend.

Mom really liked it. As a matter of fact, she had to show it off to my grandparents.

I had a great time in Vermont. It's always fun to see my parents with B and vice versa. I had a good time hanging with my sisters, too. Although, I really need to stop overindulging on the booze front. As Hubby stated, I'm 34 not 21 anymore.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Good lookin' sweater.

Susan said...

I guess I missed you starting this sweater, but I really like it and can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done. The pattern at the bottom is lovely.

Dropstitchknitter said...

I'm gobsmacked!!! You can actually hold something in your hands after all that knitting? You - supaknitta!!!