my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

still owe you an update

I went to see my psych last night. Feels we've moved from PPD to the big D, because it's not the hormones 2 and a half years later. I'm on a full dose and go back to see him in a few weeks.

I think I'd be feeling better if these allergies weren't killing me. Why does my primary care doctor not have better hours for those of us who work? Hopefully, I can get in to see him tomorrow and get on a better antihistamine.

I finished Jolie, but she's a bit snug. I have plans to re-work the button situation. I'll fill you in, with pics. (I got a new camera for my birthday now have a macro function.)

I'm mere rows from finishing Chickami, but won't finish anytime soon if I can't stay up past 8:30 or keep my eyes open on the bus. See, I do need new antihistamines.

I finished the beaded rib footies, but they're too small. I'm going to give them a way and start a new larger pair for myself. I've got plenty of yarn for them.

I'll be starting some fancy-shmancy garters for my sister's wedding soon (again once I can keep my eyes open). I'm using the most expensive yarn I've ever touched. What kind of fool pays $40 a skein? Good thing there's 200+ yards and I only need the one!


Susan said...

Oh, I'm curious about what that expensive yarn is -- do tell!

I wish the news from your doc was better, though I guess if you can come up with a treatment plan that actually works, that would be good. And I hear you on the allergy front because mine are making me absolutely crazy.

Hope your Thursday looks a little bit brighter! :-)

Dropstitchknitter said...

Hoping the meds help out and things start settling for you - allergies can be a hell of a thing on top of what you're already having to deal with. I'm thinking positive thoughts for you!