In other news, I had to rip out 12 rows of raglan shaping on M-i-L's Ariann. The eyelets weren't matching up. I ripped back to three separate pieces and discovered that I'd not cast-off enough on one sleeve and was missing a decrease on the other. I really, really want to finish this sweater. I started so early and so well and now it's dragging.
Another friend from our nearly defunct office knitting group is expecting. She's taking her last trip before the baby next month. (She worked in our NY office for a year, but is German and is back in Germany. Funny how she goes back to live on the same continent as her husband and gets pregnant.) I'm planning a baby surprise jacket. I'm anxiously awaiting a package from Elann so I can get started. I'll post a pic and the rationale behind my color choices once it gets here.
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