my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I finished in time

I finished Billy's jacket last night. I sewed Friday night, Sunday night and last night. Before you ask, no, I don't have pictures. I'll try to get a picture of him in it while we're in SC.

Hubby thought it was very cute. He's sure B will want to wear it all the time, even when we come back to NJ and it's too cold.

I'll have more feedback on the process when I post the picture next week.

I have to pack tonight. I'm taking four knitting projects with me: Christmas gift in progress; second Christmas gift not yet started; birthday gift for my dad; and new socks for me.

I'm sure I'm overpacking the knitting. I never get as much done when I go away as I plan on. But, even with just a few hours, the first Christmas present will be done!

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