Instead, I started these on Saturday. First one was technically cast on Friday

Work's been super-stressful and I find I'm not dealing well with things at home. So, although I told my doc last week that I was doing fine off the prozac, I've put myself back on. I wasn't liking the person I was becoming and the kind of mother she was. Feeling like you're going to fly apart at any moment is not a good feeling.
The sweater is looking great and I love the socks - you know what you need better than anyone, so I commend you for taking control and doing what's best for you and your family!
Yeah, what yarngirl said! You know best and there's no sense in sticking with (or without) something if it isn't working the way you need it to. Don't feel bad about it.
And those socks are really flying! Love the colour. I think I'm becoming more and more of an orange person everytime I visit! I'm lovin' it ;0)
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