I have decided to work exclusively on the stockings, just to get them done. I'm at the last set of increases before I do the top band. Whew. This has taken a while. I hope to cast on for the second on this week and make some progress over the long weekend. I still might make my goal of mailing by 5/31 (shh, don't disrupt the delusion).
If I'm up to it. I want to do my second dyeorama attempt tonight. (I'm not really feeling the need to watch the Yankees get pounded again.) We've got a busy weekend coming up and we're going away the following weekend (going to Baltimore to watch the injured and lackluster Yankees). Then we're getting awfully close to mail day!
In the words of Tony Little "you can dooo it!!"
Hi from Austria! This stocking looks so gorgeous already, looking forward to seeing it when it's all finished! Great job!
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