Hubby gives notice today. He's kind of hoping they won't make him work the two weeks, but I'm pretty sure they will. Seems they only tell management to leave that day at his firm. Sometimes, in his industry, they kick you out the door immediately if you are going to a competitor or a broker. I kind of hope he does have to work. We'd be broke if he didn't. His hobbies require spending money even more than mine do!
Last night, he went to the NIT finals with some guys from work (they got half-price tickets), so I got the big screen tv for CSI and sat down to work on Ronan. I put the collar in (after three tries Sunday night) and pinned the zipper. Then it was a potty break for Molly and some Godiva ice cream for me (my reward for getting the collar right). Then I stitched in the zipper during Without a Trace. So, Ronan is finished!

The yarn was cork in delight (also known as Cheetos!). I used US 11s from my Boye needlemaster for the body and 10 1/2s for the ribbing at cuff, hem and collar. I took a couple of stitches out of the width, thinking the size 4 would be way too big for Billy, but left the lengths all per the pattern. The only other modification was to the collar. I didn't think it needed the hem and all that was called for. I think it works just fine. I really enjoyed this knit and can't wait for my next cork projects next fall (we're moving into cotton weather).

Yeah, next time, I'll go with narrower cuffs.
Not much progress on the stockings. I lost my printout of the pattern yesterday afternoon. I did start the fishnet as best as I remembered, but I screwed up a bit. I'll be ripping back to the stockinette portion later and starting the yarnovering again. Did I mention that I think this is going to be a really fun knit?

love it! the color is fantastic!
It turned out just beautifully. And it got giggles too! That's just too sweet.
I wouldn't have thought of an orange sweater but I sure am thinking about it now! It really does look smashing ;0)
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