my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Friday, March 24, 2006

socking along

I think I'll be joining Project Spectum next month. I just ordered yarn for four pairs of socks and one pair of stockings. Three of the four pairs of socks have orange in them. Well, joining Spectrum assumes I'll have time to knit on at least one of the three pairs. I also ordered some Regia for a pair of jaywalkers (yep, getting on that band wagon) and the Cascade Fixation for my sister's stockings.

I've been working diligently on the Candy sock. Here it is driving the mini-van. Really, I was parked, but it's more fun to think the sock was driving. As you can see, I turned the heel and picked up for the gusset. As of this morning, I only have a couple of decreases left on the gusset, then it's the slog to the toes. And to think I still have to rip, wash and re-knit the first sock.

I didn't pick up Ronan to start the seaming last night. Both sweaters were completely dry, but we had wine with dinner and I thought I'd tackle lengthening the Olympic Sweater. Thankfully, I had a hard time with the set-up on separating the ribbing from the body. Before I decided to just rip it all out and re-knit it, I had hubby try it on. It had grown just enough with wash and block. Here it is being modeled by me in my pjs, right before bed. I think the best thing about this pic is my hair. I also think I need a new model. I also cannot believe I am posting this picture. I really need to lay off the junk food.

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