You can't tell, but the sleeves are at least an inch longer than they were yesterday. Granted, they'd be a lot longer if I hadn't totally zonked out after putting B to bed last night. I didn't get into a groove because I was waiting for the doctor to call me back with the results of my lab work. (Why couldn't a nurse tell me that my throat culture was positive for strep and I should continue the antibiotics? Did I really have to wait three hours for the doctor to call me back to tell me that?) And then the residuals of the sick and the stress just knocked me out flat. Now that the Olympic pressure is off, I'm feeling a lot less motivated. Of course, I do have the deadline of F-i-L's birthday looming. I've assuaged any panic caused by that deadline by reminding myself I have a car ride next weekend and I'll knock a lot of that baby back in no time. Is it weird that we're going to Atlantic City and I am not planning on gambling? Do you think Hubby would mind if I just sat in our hotel room and knit the whole weekend (well other than dinners and the Heart concert we're going to)? See, the delusions were not just from the glimmer of that Olympic medal.
In other news, I still have not received the orange Cork that I ordered from a large British online retailer (so they say) and an eBay seller. I did get a nice phone message last week from the British retailer apologizing profusely and claiming I'd hear something from them via e-mail. Not. The eBay seller claims the package was shipped from Canada on the February 10th and that shipping usually takes 10-14 days (I guess working days since the package is not here yet). I'm beginning to think I'm never going to finish Billy's Cheeto Ronan.
I do have some good news. B's all up to date on his vaccinations, less than one month after his well-child visit. Oh, and my company managed to find the damaged router and get us up and running again. Hey, I can do actual work. Skippee!
1 comment:
Oh, but an inch is an inch, you DID do some progress indeed! I can well imagine that now, after the pressure of the Olympics is over, it feels as if the knitter's soul needs a bit of rest - do take it and get well again soon!
Have fun knitting, and best wishes from Austria!
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