my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Thursday, October 08, 2009

you're not getting the next FO today

Sorry about the blog silence yesterday. I had meetings all day.

I've decided to hold the next two FOs to parcel out over the month. This is a particularly good strategy since my WIP pictures turned out horribly this morning. If I have that problem again, I'll just post an FO.

I do have a picture of a quick solution I had for a problem with my new WIP. Blackrose has a lace inset. The lace varies a lot from row to row, so I didn't think I'd be able to commit to to memory and needed to be able to have the chart handy. This is a problem with commuting. So a little hack.
I took an old name badge, cut the chart down to size, and can clip the chart to my bag in front of me on the train or the project bag next to me on a seat.... wherever I can quickly glance at it to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. A piece of cardboard and a rubber band complete the hack and allow me to track the rows as I go. It's not beautiful, but it works!


Adrienne Martini said...

That is a great hack.

Stephanie said...

Just don't forget it when you get off the bus/train! But a great idea nonetheless.