I had some fun on my day off on Monday, while Billy was napping and hubby was off job-training (he thinks he wants to become a professional poker player), I decided to have some fun with kool-aid. Now, I love Cork, that chunky, discontinued merino blend from Rowan, but do not love the color Sour. It will not work for me, no-way, no-how. So I thought I'd see if I could over-dye it into a more palatable shade.

In other cork news, I've put together the project bag for Billy's birthday sweater. I have 3+ balls of delight (nice bright orange) and I'm making Ronan from the Cork Collection. I was debating how to stripe it last night (with the nice green, Bug, or blue), when hubby asked if I could just get more orange. Last night I said I didn't think so, but after some online searching I found a place in the UK that's not charging too much for it. I ordered 4 more balls. I'll have to see how closely the dye lots match, but I'm going to cast on anyway. Hubby and I were concerned last night that the smallest size might be way to big for B (ages 5-6), but I measured one of his t-shirts (a 3T) and it's 13" across while the sweater schematic, such as it is, has the width at 14.5". I think it will be good to grow into and he'll be able to wear it over layers this Spring and into next fall and winter. But, so far on my kool-aid swatch, I'm not getting guage with the US11s called for in the pattern. I think I may swatch with the orange cork with 10.5s and see how it goes (perhaps the washing and dyeing have affected the kool-aid cork).
The red scarf is drying. I was right, it gained almost 10 inches after washing. It's now about 54". It's not dry, yet. I hope to mail it out tomorrow. I'm going to use a tag like the ones Theresa used here for it. I'll post a pic tomorrow am.
I finished up most of the cougar last night. I realized the folly in trying to duplicate stitch the paw print on after it's stuffed. I'm thinking I'll knit up an intarsia patch and he'll have a little pocket. Pics tomorrow, as well.
Have a great Wednesday (so looking forward to LOST tonight) and stay dry!
I think I like the apple -- the one on the far right. I never would have thought to buy the Cork and then dye it to get a color I liked better!
I like those colors! Kool-aid dying is so much fun ... I tried using rit dye last week on cotton but it was an enormous mess, and let's just say the yarn didn't turn out too great. I'm *so* bummed that I'm going to be missing Lost tonight ... I"m working Mon/Weds this semester!! Bummer!! I hope they rerun it Saturday, or I'm going to have to get my fix by buying them the next day on iTunes. Thanks for the nice comment on the sweater! :)
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