We dressed him up last night and took him up to the in-laws. We didn't think we'd get there tonight and we were going up there for dinner anyway. The neighbors all thought he was adorable. (The little boys next door to M-i-L and F-i-L loved the "baby" in his costume.)
Today, he's got his parade and party at day care. Hubby and I are taking half days to be there. Then we'll hit a couple of houses in our neighborhood. I can't wait. I know it will be more fun in a couple of years when he's more into it, but I looooooove dressing him up! Maybe we'll take him to an NHL game to get more use out of the costume! The New Jersey Devils are our team!
On the knitting front, I have finished all parts of mom's Shadow. I just need to block them. I finished the sleeve during Billy's nap Saturday and the second pocket flap that night. I would have blocked them yesterday, but we had some minor plumbing to attend to and a nap seemed like a good idea. Then there's the fact that the guest room bed is buried in a few weeks' worth of clean laundry. I must get around to it soon, though. Air was delayed for a long time because I didn't seam her up. Must not repeat the bad behavior.

I do have a new WIP. A Christmas sock for my sister. I hope it's not going to be too narrow. My gauge seems a little tight on the US 1s. The yarn is Kroy socks that I got from Herrschner's last Fall with sis in mind. The pattern is Oak Ribbed socks from Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush. the inside of the sock looks really neat (1 x 4 ribbing).
I've also started swatching for my boys' Christmas sweaters. I'm doing this pattern from Patons with the Lambswool doubled. I need to get a US 8 Addi. my gauge on the 7s is too tight. I'm going to love knitting these up. The yarn is simply scrumptious and at 5 stitches to the inch it's going to go much faster than I thought.
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