my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

I know I said I would update yesterday, but the weather messed up my schedule. I was supposed to take Monday off and go to Yankee Opening Day, but the game was snowed out so I came to work Monday and just didn't think of it. I was at the game yesterday so here I am today. Make sense?

I did not get as much knitting done in VT as I had hoped. However, I have done a Y and two Ls on the stockinette panel of the blanket. They look like crap. I'm obviously doing something wrong. I looked at an intarsia sweater my grandmother made and I think I've got a handle on how to fix the problems. So, the O I started last night should turn out much better.

I have been too lazy, though. I did a swatch and realized that my rows are a lot shorter so the piece with the letters is going to be too short (and perhaps I counted the rows wrong on the other pieces). I'm toying with doing plain off-white garter pieces to help lengthen the middle panel. I think it will have a nice framing effect. Depends on how much I block the thing.

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