my life as a crocheter & knitter & working mom
This time it really is an oops. I completely forgot I had the leading bid in on this Phildar yarn until I got into work this morning and saw that I had won it. Fortunately, it’s in my favorite spicy-earth tones. It’s true stash yarn. Got no idea what I’m going to do with it! I like it lots, though.
I must stop buying things, though. (Can I overuse though a bit more?) For many more reasons than I care to enumerate. However first and foremost, I need a new PC at home. I tried to log into our on-line time clocks to approve last week’s timesheets and it just wasn’t happening. I think the hubby may have inadvertently downloaded some spyware (which I’ve also managed to do to the work laptop). It’s a ridiculously old PC anyway. The last straw was when I couldn’t read through my bloglines last night (after I gave up on the timesheets). Gee. It’s useless to me if I can’t keep up with the blogs!
I'm well into the armscye (is it an armscye if there is no sleeve?) of the f-i-l sweater-vest. Disturbingly, this super-fast to knit and cuddly soft yarn is hurting my hands as I knit with it. The fingers of my left hand get really sore and my thumb was killing me Sunday night after 2 hours of knitting in the car. I hope I can get over it. I love my Aran and DK weight yarns, but please. A girl has to have some fast knits in adult sizes! Especially this girl with so much yarn stashed for herself!
In non-knitting news, Billy will be having surgery next week. Monday morning at 8:30, he gets the tubes in the ears. At his age, there aren't many non-surgical interventions for chronic ear infections and fluid that just won't go away. I just read today that leaving the fluid in the ears may not affect language and speech development, but who wants to risk it? The ironic thing is that besides being in a large group daycare situation, we did everything right and he still got the ear infections.
Um, yeah. I'm sure there are tons of other things I could talk about. But I'm at a loss. I have to go put in for time off from work.
I want to do a special post to commemorate Billy’s first birthday. I’ve been kicking around a few ideas. There’s always re-hashing the birth story, writing him a letter telling him what he means to me, etc. They all feel hackneyed. I’ve seen them on lots of blogs, done much better than I could do. I think I’ll just write a few lists:
12 things in my life that have changed in the last 12 months:
Sleeping in is being in bed until 7 am
The greatest sound in the world is now MMMMAA MMMMAA MMMMAA
I own more cheerios than anything
Free time = play with Billy time
My needs come last
My bladder is way different
I’m so much more patient
It’s easier to let things go
If he’s okay, I’m okay
I’m not okay, if he’s not
There are toys everywhere
The attic is being used for clothing storage
12 things I’ve learned being Billy’s mom:
It’s okay to ask for help
Housework is unimportant
Except the floors should be clean for crawling lads
Formula is expensive, so are diapers
My job is my job
My family is my life
Trust my instincts
But, listen to advice (some of it is useful)
Waitresses love little kids
It’s easier to smile
It’s okay that my needs come last
It’s wonderful to be alive
12 things I love about Billy:
His smile
His laugh
His joy in people
How everything is so new
That everything new is wonderful
Those blue eyes
The whorl in his hair
The way he loves to be upside-down, in the air, or swinging round
The way he flirts with everyone
His adoration of the Molly-dog
The feeling of his sleepy head on my shoulder
His sheer Billy-ness
12 wishes for the next 12 months:
That they’re healthier than the last 3
That he stays such a happy boy
That daddy gets the hang of changing diapers
That he starts to like the bath again
That those teeth start to bother him less
That weaning from a bottle is as easy as from the breast
That he keeps growing and developing as well as he has
That we keep loving to learn together
That he loves the ocean as much as daddy and I this summer
That Molly becomes his best friend again (she runs away)
That he always knows how much we love him
That they go more slowly than the last 12
I’ll have pictures tomorrow.